Edge AI-deployed DIGItal Twins for PREDICTing disease progression and need for early intervention in infectious and cardiovascular diseases beyond COVID-19


DIGIPREDICT brings together members from academia, large R&D institutes, hospitals, high-tech SMEs and a management and communication SME from five European countries.


Press release by the EPFL — "Digipredict digital twin will predict the evolution of Covid-19"
The project ended on 31 March 2025.

DIGIPREDICT proposes the first of its kind digital twin to predict the progression of disease and the need for early intervention in infectious and cardiovascular diseases.

A digital twin is a digital representation of an object or process from the real world in the digital world – and more specifically for the case of DIGIPREDICT – of a patient. The DIGIPREDICT digital twins will be used ‘at the edge’, e.g. at the hospital level.

Our digital twin will use organ-on-chip technology to select the right biomarker combination for generating an accurate picture of how the disease is progressing in a patient and how well the chosen treatments are working
Albert van der Berg, University of Twente

The project combines the latest advances in digital biomarkers, organ-on-chip (OoC) and artificial intelligence at the edge, and aims to build a new interdisciplinary community in Europe focused on digital twins.

The developed system will provide medical doctors with a unique digital tool for early prediction of potential serious complications in COVID-19 patients. Beyond COVID-19, the system promises to also improve the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of cardiovascular disease and detect the potential onset of inflammatory disease.

This multi- and cross-disciplinary project will combine scientific excellence with engineering know-how, and leverage the expertise of doctors, biologists, electrical engineers, computer scientists, signal-processing engineers and social scientists from across Europe
Adrian Ionescu, project coordinator, EPFL

The DIGIPREDICT consortium is composed of seven top-level universities, research centres, hospitals and three SMEs bringing together a range of excellent international scientists with complementary and interdisciplinary skills. Together, they combine cross-cutting lines of research in all aspects of intelligent systems with latest advances in biomedical research.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017915 (DIGIPREDICT).
©2021 DIGIPREDICT Project – Developed by SCIPROM —